2nd Annual DUNKtheJUNK Superbowl Hashtag Hijack

2nd Annual DUNKtheJUNK Superbowl Hashtag Hijack

WHEN:  February 2nd Superbowl Sunday,  ALL DAY…. and especially during the game.

WHAT:  Tweet the truth about SODA to the   #pepsi   #halftime   #getHYPED  hashtags.   

WHO:   Anyone interested in disseminating the truth about soda.

WHY:   SODA is the new tobacco.

Please join our twitter posse to inundate these hashtags with the truth about soda.   Last year was hilarious.  I am sure they will be ready this year so please try to spread the word.   THX,  DUNKtheJUNK and the DTJ Posse.
