“Kevin Strong, as a pediatrician, this is an example of somebody who is getting out of the office, is frustrated by what he sees there, and says lets do something more. That means engaging our communities.”

— Sanjay Gupta, MD ​Chief Medical Correspondent for CNN


"I think it's a great campaign to really get kids recognizing what's good for them." 

Dominique Wilkins
NBA Hall of Famer, aka The Human Highlight Reel


"I think you might be the COOLEST doctor I have ever met." 
(about Dunk the Junk Founder, Kevin Strong,MD.) 

Killer Mike
Rap Artist


"It's called Dunk the Junk." "I believe in eating right and a healthy lifestyle." 
- from his Atlanta Hawks interview in Atlanta June 2012 

Jacob Tucker
2011 College Slamdunk Champion

“Good luck with your efforts, which I am completely on board with.”
— Robert H. Lustig, MD ​UCSF Professor of Pediatrics​Division of Endocrinology

​”I am so impressed with the “Dunk the Junk” campaign and mission. Like the founder of Dunk the Junk I am also a pediatrician trying to make families realize that the standard American diet is making our children sick and shortening their lives. This campaign is smart, provocative, and speaks directly to children in their language. I’m inspired by their work, and hope to continue to collaborate on this important mission.”
— Nimali Fernando, MD MPH ​Founder of​Member of the Childhood Obesity Committee, Virginia Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics

STYLE 101: MAGAZINE: 101 with Dr. Kevin Strong
click here to read the interview

Dan Woog interviews founder Kevin Strong
click here to read the interview 

Article about DTJ in The Coastal Journal
click here to read the article 

“The Dunk the Junk campaign is a great example of using the power of the arts to communicate across demographics, to bring awareness and to motivate change. Dr. Kevin Strong and artist Mike Rich are to be commended for their active engagement and strong, creative approach to educating kids and families about the dangers of junkfood consumption.”
— Suzette McAvoy Director, Center for Maine Contemporary Art