Dunk the Junk filmmaker Morgan Kirkham unleashes a FRESH video on THE RICHMOND SODA TAX MURAL

Thanks to Dunk the Junk filmmaker Morgan Kirkham for this FRESH look at Dunk the Junk's trip to Richmond, CA to support the www.Fit-for-Life.org  Yes On N initiative for a soda tax to support HEALTH.  Graffiti with Mike Rich at www.MikeRichDesign.com with Chris Khali and Yuin Huzami.   Breakdancing from Kea Tesseyman with Kinetic Energy Alive.  Music with  DJ Mark Kelly from Rockland, Maine.  Dunking from College Slamdunk Champ, Jacob Tucker. ​  Thanks to Diane Dickstein and Dr. Jeff Ritterman of Richmond Fit for Life for fighting hard for the health of children.