4th Annual DunkTheJunk Superbowl Hashtag Hijack

4th Annual DunkTheJunk Superbowl Hashtag Hijack

WHEN:   Superbowl Sunday, Feb 7th, ALL DAY… and especially during the game.

WHAT:   Tweet the TRUTH about SODA to the #PepsiHalftime hashtag.

WHO:   Anyone interested in disseminating the TRUTH about SODA.

WHY:   SODA is the new TOBACCO.

Please join our twitter posse to inundate the #PepsiHalftime hashtag with the TRUTH about SODA.

Thank you,

Dr. Kevin Strong & the Dunk the Junk crew. 

Video below has audio of NFL superstar Tom Brady calling SODA "poison for kids."   

Sugar Addicted Newborns: the silent epidemic.

Dear fellow doctors and caregivers, 

It is time to OUT the silent epidemic of SUGAR ADDICTED NEWBORNS.  We owe it to the babies and to the mothers.


When a mother consumes high levels of sugar during her pregnancy or has diabetes with difficulty controlling her sugar levels; the baby will receive high levels of sugar through the placenta.  In response to these high sugar levels the baby produces more insulin.  Insulin is an anabolic (pro growth) hormone so the baby will often grow larger than normal.   When it comes time to deliver these large babies vaginally there is increased risk of complications including increased rates of C sections, shoulder dystocia, brachial nerve injury, and resuscitation.  Once the baby is delivered the high sugar source (mom) has been removed while the baby continues to make higher than normal insulin levels.  The high insulin levels drive the baby's sugar low creating hypoglycemia.  Risks of neonatal hypoglycemia include lethargy, tachycardia, poor feeding, seizures, and even coma. 

Recently, on my newborn rounds, 5 out of 6 babies were being closely watched for hypoglycemia with some needing urgent and high level infusions of glucose to rescue them.  Some babies require urgent transport to ICU settings because their sugar is so difficult to control.  

Are we as physicians and caregivers counseling expectant mom's on these risks?  My informal poll of colleagues found that this is NOT being discussed despite the epidemic proportions of babies affected.  

Sugar addiction, like opiate, tobacco, and alcohol addiction, has detrimental affects on the unborn baby.  The time has come to speak up, educate, and protect our mothers and babies against excessive exposure to SUGAR.  


Kevin Strong, MD   Community Pediatrician and Founder of Dunk the Junk 


A Doctor's Thank You to Tom Brady

As a pediatrician, I see firsthand the devastating effects SODA has on a young child's body.  Encouraging a child to tackle and overcome  soda addiction is always a tough battle.  Youth are inundated with messages about the glorious life of Coke & Pepsi from sport stars like Drew Brees  and Lebron James.  

10 days ago a HISTORIC event in the global health movement to halt the soda fueled diabetes epidemic was dropped in our lap by the NFL's top quarterback. Tom Brady, aka TB12, unleashed a game changing denunciation of BIG SODA, calling SODA, "POISON FOR KIDS."   Check out the audio clip below if you missed it… 

As public health advocates, educators, doctors, and parents WE MUST AGGRESSIVELY PRAISE & PROPAGATE THIS BRAVE DENUNCIATION.  We must vigorously support Tom Brady's defection from the status quo; a status quo that pads the wallets of NFL execs & Big Soda fat cats while riddling the innards of our youth with poison pop.

THANK YOU TOM BRADY for helping me reach the throng of young Brady fans with this life changing message.  When we empower youth with the truth about the devastating effects of SODA, they choose HEALTH over a life of chronic disease and slow death. 


Kevin Strong, MD, community pediatrician, Founder of Dunk the Junk and the Leader of Operation: DEFEAT SODATRON 


Uploaded by Defeat Sodatron on 2015-10-20.



BIG SODA plagiarizing the  BIG TOBACCO playbook.   (Mark Bittman on Big Soda like Big Tobacco)

The Killer CAN, like the CANCER STICK, will commit millions of unknowing children to a LIFE of chronic disease UNLESS we UNITE in an aggressive OPERATION to #DEFEATSODATRON…. Unite to be #NCDFREE.  



Curious about OPERATION: #DEFEATSODATRON click this highlight reel from #DEFEATSODATRON #miami … "They say you will lie with pleasure.  SODA is NEWPORT.  Are you ready to DIE?"  C Rayz Walz #generalWALZ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxcxzNx3wAIXxwswnHFsQog


There will be no glowin’ machines masquerading as dreams.  SODA IS A GLOBAL HEALTH NIGHTMARE ... a pharmaceutically laced, thirst inducing, SUGAR BOMB.  

University of California San Francisco Pediatric Endocrinologist Dr. Robert Lustig (co-Founder of the Institute for Responsible Nutrition)  leads off the Citizen Coke instrumental with the words…


#SODAisPOISON Mural #NCDFREE #Boston Launch

Enraged by the tactics of BIG SODA….convert RAGE to a precise & peaceful dismantling of SODATRON.   To join the #DTJcrew, hit us up at Learnmore@dunkthejunk.org OR better yet THRU OUR SOCIAL MEDIA OUTLETS… 









COMING…THE IDES OF MARCH... #SODATRONBOMBS MURAL with aerosol dream team          RICH of Portland, Maine                 KEO of Brooklyn, NY                     VYAL from Los Angeles     at the Center for Maine Contemporay Art in Rockport, Maine with special guest Bronx rapper, DTJ cipher General…. General C-Rayz….C-Rayz Walz and film & photography with MaineProject. and breakdancing with KEA.

#NoGlowinMachines #NoSippinGrenades 

#DTJcrew : Dunk The Junk Photographer & Filmmaker Corey McKenna


Corey Mckenna
Corey used to open and run corporate cafes as an Executive Chef in Southern California, where he began his journey into photography by capturing his surroundings which typically involved beach, surf, and skateboarding. After a move back to Maine from the West Coast, Corey started maineproject.com to share the stories of people and places he was experiencing. These stories are told through photographs and film making. These days he spends his time shooting for various clients and for his personal projects.

