BLOG — Dunk the Junk

2nd Annual DUNKtheJUNK Superbowl Hashtag Hijack

2nd Annual DUNKtheJUNK Superbowl Hashtag Hijack

WHEN:  February 2nd Superbowl Sunday,  ALL DAY…. and especially during the game.

WHAT:  Tweet the truth about SODA to the   #pepsi   #halftime   #getHYPED  hashtags.   

WHO:   Anyone interested in disseminating the truth about soda.

WHY:   SODA is the new tobacco.

Please join our twitter posse to inundate these hashtags with the truth about soda.   Last year was hilarious.  I am sure they will be ready this year so please try to spread the word.   THX,  DUNKtheJUNK and the DTJ Posse.


1st Annual #DUNKtheJUNK Super Bowl Hashtag Hijack invites ALL comers to the 1st Annual Super Bowl Hashtag Hijack Twitter Party.

WHEN:  Super Bowl Sunday...all day...tweet, retweet, and retweet your retweet to the #PepsiHalftime hashtag with the truth about soda

WHO:  anyone interested in the TRUTH

WHERE:  from the comfort of your couch....tweet the truth about soda to #PepsiHalftime

COST:  free

REWARD:  dissemination of truth....priceless.  

#DROPitLIKEitsPOP  & share the message so this WONT STOP.


DUNK the JUNK mascot "SODUH" and the DTJ Posse

PS:  Truth about soda...50million dollars from Pepsi and Beyonce is still drinking water.

#PepsiHalftime 50million dollars & #Beyonce is still not drinking #soda .... #DROPitLIKEitsPOP #DRINKwater

#PepsiHalftime 50million dollars & #Beyonce is still not drinking #soda .... #DROPitLIKEitsPOP #DRINKwater

Plea to First Lady Michelle Obama

December 16, 2012

Plea to First Lady Michelle Obama

Dear First Lady Michelle,

congratulations on the Obama2012 campaign success and for the opportunity to direct our nation for 4 more years.

Thank you for leading our nation’s push to reverse the childhood obesity epidemic with your Let’s Move campaign.

As a pediatrician and an expert in infant and child nutrition, I write this plea to you.

Can we rename the Let’s Move campaign? We would suggest a new name like, Let’s Not Drink Sugar. The science is clear on the BEST way to reverse the childhood obesity epidemic. We need to consume less sugar, particularly in the drinks we imbibe.

This move would refocus the nation on the most effective way to accomplish the stated mission. For those of us who need a refresher, here is the original announcement in 2010...... “The ‘Let’s Move’ campaign will focus on reaching a national goal of solving the childhood obesity challenge within a generation so that children born today will reach adulthood at a healthy weight."

Again, we appreciate everything you have already done to draw attention to this crucial topic. Perhaps these Atlanta 5th graders say it best,

Thank you for your consideration.


Kevin Strong, MD pediatrician and Founder of Dunk the Junk 501(c)3